Motor Third Party Liability Insurance

Motor Third Party Liability Insurance which is compulsory insurance as per highways traffic code covers the partial or whole damages caused by a motor vehicle wrongfully to the property or life of third persons.

• The insurer procures the liability of the operator pursuant to Highways Traffic Code No. 2918 up to compulsory insurance limits in the event that the operation of the motor vehicle stated in the policy causes death or injury of a third party or damage to any property.
• The insurer bears the reasonable and compulsory expenses to be made by the insured in order to prevent or mitigate the damage caused by an accident.
• This insurance also covers the defense expenses of the operator (insured) against unjustified requests. For detailed information please review General Conditions of Land Motor Vehicle Compulsory Liability Insurance.

Per Vehicle and Accident Material Damage Assurance: This assurance covers the material damages to third parties. If more than one vehicle is damaged in an accident where you are the defaulting party, per incident assurance applies. 

Per Person and Accident Health Expenses: This assurance covers bodily damages to third parties. In this case, assurances vary depending on the vehicle type as it is calculated based on the numbers of the people in the vehicle. 

Per Person and Accident Bodily Injury and Death Assurance: In the event that you cause the death of a person as a result of the accident, the assurance covers burial expenses and non-pecuniary damages to the relatives of the dead person. Bodily injury assurance covers the damages that occurred as a result that the third party becomes inoperative in part or in whole due to an accident.

No, Motor Third Party Liability Insurance cannot be made for a short time.

This insurance is valid within the borders of Turkey.

Motor Third Party Liability Insurance covers the treatment expenses within the specified limits.

• Damages caused by-no-operated vehicles
• Claims to be asserted by the operator
• Claims to be asserted due to damages of the spouse, lineal consanguinity of the operator, those related to the operated by adopting and siblings of the operator who live together with her/him
• Claims to be asserted against the operator due to damages to the wares carried with the vehicle or trailer of the damages people other than baggage or similar article
• Non-pecuniary damages
• Claims of the operator to be asserted against the persons for whose activities the operator is liable according to the Highways Traffic Code

• Claims to be asserted due to damages to the vehicles of the operator or the trailers and semi-trailers towed by this vehicle or to the towed vehicles
• Any kind of claim related to the enterprises which carry out professional activities for the vehicles, and to the damages caused by the vehicle left for observation, repair, maintenance, purchase-sale, modification, and similar reason
• Damages caused by the participation of the vehicle in races organized with the permission of authorized bodies or accompany of the vehicle to the racing vehicles and use of the vehicle in a show
• Damages caused by the stolen or extortive vehicle and for which the operator is not responsible as per Highways Traffic Code and claims to be asserted due to damages incurred by the persons who get in the vehicle knowing that the vehicle is stolen or extorted and claims by the persons who steal or extort the vehicle
• Damages caused by use of the motorbikes
• Damages caused by the vehicles used in terrorist actions stated in Anti-Terror Law No. 3713 and sabotage arising out of these actions and for which the operator is not responsible as per Highways Traffic Code No. 2918, and claims to be asserted due to damages incurred by the persons who get in the vehicle knowing that the vehicle was or will be used in such actions and claims to be asserted by persons who use the vehicle in terrorist actions or sabotage arising out these actions
• Claims to be asserted due to consequential damages

Grade No - No-Claim Discount % -Prim Increase % 7 20 6 15 5 10 4 - 3 - 20 2 - 40 1 – 60

If the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance is canceled due to the sale of the vehicle, the amount to be returned will be the premium amount to be due between the cancellation date and expiry date of the policy.

No, the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance of the sold vehicle cannot be transferred to the new owner.

It is essential to continue the policy without any interruption to be able to benefit from the no-claim discount. When new cars are purchased, it is necessary to add the vehicle to the policy with an additional agreement. In that case, the insured can suspend the policy until s/he purchases the vehicle, if the vehicle is not purchased yet. When it is reported that the same type of vehicle is purchased any time before the expiry date of the policy, the policy term is extended as the suspension time and no-claim discount continues to apply in the new vehicle. If there is a premium difference between two vehicles, the difference is collected from the insured.

Yes, it is possible to get a discount on Motor Third Party Liability Insurance for a vehicle that has Compulsory Land Transportation Liability Insurance.

Non-pecuniary damages are one of the conditions that are not covered by the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance. However, it can be covered by Voluntary Pecuniary Liability.

As Motor Third Party Liability Insurance is valid within the borders of Turkey, its assurances will be invalid abroad.

Unless it is stated otherwise, the insurance starts at 12:00 pm and ends at 12:00 pm local time in Turkey on the dates stated in the policy.

Limits and code of practice of the motor third party liability insurance are determined by the Undersecretariat for the Treasury and published on the official gazette. These codes have to be applied by all insurance companies. The limit can be increased with an assurance to be added to the Voluntary Pecuniary Liability purchased in addition to the traffic insurance, or to the Motor Own Damage Insurance policy.

In case of a change in the ownership, current Motor Third Party Liability Insurance policy of the former owner of the vehicle covers the new owner for 15 days.

If there is such loss other than treatment expenses, this loss is covered by the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance within the same policy limits.

Unless it is stated otherwise, the insurance starts at 12:00 pm and ends at 12:00 pm local time in Turkey on the dates stated in the policy.

Limits and code of practice of the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance are determined by the Undersecretariat for the Treasury and published on the official gazette. These codes have to be applied by all insurance companies. The limit can be increased with an assurance to be added to the Voluntary Pecuniary Liability purchased in addition to the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance , or to the Motor Own Damage Insurance policy.

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